Direkt zum Hauptbereich

Dhanurasana: Bow Pose- from belly, hands side of torso, palms up, exhale bend knees, bring heels to buttocks, reach hands/hold ankes, knees align with hips, inhale/lift heels away from buttocks, lift thighs from floor, head/torso naturally lift, pin tailbone heavily, back muscles soft, press scapula firm to back, open heart, draw shoulders away from ears, gaze forward, press belly to floor, breathe, 20-30s, exhale, release to rest for 3 breaths, repeat 1-2 times.

Dhanurasana: Bow Pose- from belly, hands side of torso, palms up, exhale bend knees, bring heels to buttocks, reach hands/hold ankes, knees align with hips, inhale/lift heels away from buttocks, lift thighs from floor, head/torso naturally lift, pin tailbone heavily, back muscles soft, press scapula firm to back, open heart, draw shoulders away from ears, gaze forward, press belly to floor, breathe, 20-30s, exhale, release to rest for 3 breaths, repeat 1-2 times.


Dhanurasana: Bow Pose- from belly, hands side of torso, palms up, exhale bend knees, bring heels to buttocks, reach hands/hold ankes, knees align with hips, inhale/lift heels away from buttocks, lift thighs from floor, head/torso naturally lift, pin tailbone heavily, back muscles soft, press scapula firm to back, open heart, draw shoulders away from ears, gaze forward, press belly to floor, breathe, 20-30s, exhale, release to rest for 3 breaths, repeat 1-2 times.



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