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The question that seems to be asked more than any other, by people who are just starting out on the ketogenic lifestyle, is about “cheat days”. It always intrigues me when the subject comes up, because I’m not sure I understand the mindset behind it. I’ve decided to change my life, tak

The question that seems to be asked more than any other, by people who are just starting out on the ketogenic lifestyle, is about “cheat days”. It always intrigues me when the subject comes up, because I’m not sure I understand the mindset behind it. I’ve decided to change my life, tak


The question that seems to be asked more than any other, by people who are just starting out on the ketogenic lifestyle, is about “cheat days”. It always intrigues me when the subject comes up, because I’m not sure I understand the mindset behind it. I’ve decided to change my life, tak



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